Center for Social Cooperation and Communications
The private institution "Center for Social Cooperation and Communications" (hereinafter — CSCC) was established on May 4, 2017 by Samruk-Kazyna JSC on the basis of Center for Social Partnership CF.
The goal of the CSCC is to prevent social and labor conflicts, maintain social, sanitary-epidemiological and psychological well-being, strengthen the corporate identity of production personnel and identify protest moods by developing and implementing best practices for effective management of social and labor relations and communications.
CSCC activity is developing in 4 main directions:
- Research and analytics (SRS: engagement, working conditions and loyalty, level of communication, material well-being, protest potential; in-depth diagnosis and prevention of social and labor conflicts);
- Social Stability Monitoring Center (collection, processing, primary verification, registration and prompt distribution of information on preconditions or facts of social tension, crisis situations in the Fund's labor collectives);
- IR — industrial relations (improving the sanitary, social and psychological well-being of production personnel through the study of social and living conditions, workplace pressures and the development of a feedback culture);
- Social and communication projects (development of corporate culture among employees, conducting projects aimed at increasing the involvement of young people of the Fund's group, organization of communication projects, corporate edition and SK NEWS website).
The number of “alarm zones” has been reduced from 68 to
alarm zones
The Corporate School of Trade Union Activists projects were implemented and
leaders were trained
Samruk Research Services
Since 2013, the group of companies of the Fund has been conducting a study of the level of social stability of Samruk Research Services, which allows diagnosing problem areas in social and labor relations of production teams throughout Kazakhstan and taking timely preventive measures. The survey covers almost all employees of the companies.
The level of social stability in the Group of companies of the Fund at the end of 2023 is satisfactory — the overall SRS indicator amounted to 70%, unchanged from 2022 (more than 72 thousand respondents were covered). The survey was conducted by means of SMS mailing and telephone survey once a half-year.
Since 2023, CSCC became the operator of the survey of the level of well-being of the Fund's administrative and management personnel. Previously, this survey was conducted by SBA sociologists.
At the end of 2023:
- A new SRS Methodology was developed and approved by the Fund's Board;
- Field meetings were organized in a number of PCs to explain the results of the study;
- A new Methodology for researching the involvement of administrative and managerial personnel has been developed;
- A study was conducted to determine the level of well-being of administrative and management personnel in 17 PCs;
- The SRS 2023 survey for the first half of the year was conducted and analytical reports were provided to 12 PCs and the Fund (almost 40 thousand employees were interviewed);
- In-depth research was conducted in low-performing enterprises (based on the results of the first half-year survey).
Social Stability Monitoring Center
To coordinate interaction between the Fund's subdivisions and portfolio companies in case of crisis situations and organization of anti-crisis measures, the Fund's Operational Headquarters has been functioning since 2021. During the reporting period, 5 meetings of the Operational Headquarters were held (total since 2021 — 14).
The Social Stability Monitoring Center (hereinafter referred to as the "SSMC") functions, which collects and analyzes operational data on preconditions or facts of social tension in labor collectives in 24/7 mode via 5 communication channels (e-mail, telephone, Whatsapp messenger, website and QR code). There is also an interactive Social Stability Map, through which the situation at the Group's enterprises is monitored in real time.
The SSMC provides daily (at 10:00 and at 17:00) operational and proactive information to the Fund's management about the emerged protests.
In 2023, the SSMC received 22,586 referrals from Fund group employees and outside organizations.
Thanks to the measures taken as a result of research and monitoring, the number of "alarm zones" has been reduced from 68 to 21 and strikes from 86 in 2022 to 21 in 2023. Strikes were mainly recorded by employees of contracting companies.
Conciliation institutions
The Group implemented the projects "Corporate School of Trade Union Activists" (350 trade union leaders were trained) and "Corporate Pool of Mediators" (113 corporate mediators were trained). Ombudsmen of portfolio companies took a course in mediation and negotiation skills, and IR specialists were trained (28 PC specialists).
Interaction between ombudsmen and trade unions has been established, and an internal pool of mediators and conciliation commissions has been formed. In July 2023 in Almaty held "Forum of trade union leaders and ombudsmen", in December 2023 in Shymkent held a Forum on social and labor communications in the group of companies of the Fund.
were organized and held as part of the development of the youth policy of the Fund's group of companies
commercial projects
were organized and conducted for portfolio companies in 2023
Industrial Relations
Since 2022, the IR — Industrial Relations area has been operating, one of the main objectives of which is to ensure that the labor rights of contractors' employees are respected.
In order to improve working conditions, Action Plans have been developed based on the results of IR screening analysis.
Within the framework of prevention, activities (guest lectures, trainings, seminars and information sessions) were conducted to raise awareness of employees on the types of pressure, harassment in the workplace together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Communication projects
Key Objectives:
- Systematization of work in the field of internal corporate communications in the Fund;
- Organization of the preparation of communication and strategic events within the framework of the activities of the Fund and the Centre;
- Promotion of CSCC products;
- Communication with trade unions, ombudsmen and internal mediators;
- Development of commercial training events.
Over 40 commercial projects were organized and conducted for portfolio companies during 2023.
25 events were organized and held as part of the development of the youth policy of the Fund's group of companies.
SK News Editorial Board
This is the Fund’s media unit consisting of a full-size corporate publication (magazine, 80 pages, published regularly once a month, in two languages), a daily news website with the same name, a Telegram channel, social networks Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte and YouTube.
The corporate edition and website are registered as national mass media. It covers the life of the Fund and companies, giving priority to issues of social stability and labor collectives (man of labor is at the top of the list).
Plans for 2024
- Organization of seminars for employees of HR and social services of PCs and subsidiaries and affiliates.
- Conducting a Samruk Research Services survey for the first half of 2024 and year-end.
- Monitoring social stability.
- IR screening of social and living conditions.
- Proactive measures to protect human rights: certification to achieve the UNDP Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Gender Equality in Business.
- Joining the Consortium of Research Institutes on Gender Policy.