Commitment to the SDG principles

Sustainable development and implementation of ESG principles is one of the main strategic goals of the Fund. The key factors of long-term sustainable development include the well-being of people, environmental balance and ensuring long-term financial sustainability.

The Fund and its portfolio companies share a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations (hereinafter — the UN SDGs), the principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, and the Equator Principles.

The Fund ensures consistency of the strategy, goals and objectives with the overall Sustainable Development Goals, including but not limited to the goals expressed in the UN SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, and relevant national and regional goals. Sustainable development activities are included in the Action Plan for the implementation of the Development Strategy (Development Plan) of the Fund. More detailed information on the Fund's activities in the field of sustainable development is presented in the Sustainable Development Report, which is available on the Fund's website.

11 UN SDGs

Contribution to the SDGs

Corporate governance

ESG rating of the Fund's Group

70 percentile by 2032

Increasing the proportion of women in the management bodies of the Fund's companies

30% by 2030

The share of independent directors in the Board of Directors of the Fund and portfolio companies

Maintaining at 50%

H&S best practices

Achieving LTIFR

0.12 2027


Reduction of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (level 1 and level 2)

≥ [-10%] by 2032

Increasing the share of low-carb generation in the purchase of electricity

45% by 2032

Resource saving

Reducing the energy intensity of production activities

-10% by 2027

Human capital development

Building human resources, strengthening competence in new areas

Green finance

Formation of a portfolio of offset project

5.8 million tons of CO2–eq by 2032

The share of renewable energy and hydroelectric power plants in electricity production

26 % by 2032

Openness, transparency and compliance

Certification of anti-corruption compliance systems for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-bribery Management Systems” and ISO 37301:2021 “Compliance Management System”

At the strategic level, the Fund identifies five priority UN SDGs:

Key Environmental Performance Indicators of the Fund group of companies

2022 — 60.7


Carbon footprint, million tons CO2— eq


2022 — 42.5


Environmental protection expenditures, KZT billion


2022 — 316.1


Water intake, thousand m3


2022 — 453.9


Electricity generation from RES, million kWh


Key sustainability results for 2023

Corporate Governance


The weighted average percentage of women in the BoD/SB in portfolio companies is 13% and 17% in the Management Board (14% and 15% in 2022)

H&S best practices


LTIF is 0.14 (0.16 in 2022)



Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 1% (0.01% in 2022)

Resource saving


Total energy savings — 11,434 thousand GJ (16,917 thousand GJ in 2022)

Human capital development


The average number of training hours per employee is 22 academic hours (19 hours in 2022).

Green finance


Formation of offset project portfolio — 307 thousand tons of CO2-eq

Openness, transparency and compliance


The Compliance Function Development Strategy until 2027 was approved.